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Microsoft Unveils Windows 8 Tablet: Surface

Microsoft has just announced their new Windows 8 tablet called “Surface”. It will come in two different versions the Windows RT version and Windows 8 Pro. The tablet will be 9.3mm for the RT and 13.5 mm for the Pro. Both will have 10.6″ ClearType HD displays. The case has a permanent scratch and wear resistant surface. The specs page says 32/64GB for the RT version, 64/128GB for the Pro.

There is no layer between cover glass and screen, only .7mm between screen and glass. This is the closest distance of any tablet on the market today. The Pro version uses an Intel Core i5, is thicker and heavier then the RT version. The RT version will be under 1.5 pounds (676 grams) and the PRO version will be around 2 pounds (903 grams). The latest iPad is 662 grams and 9.4mm thick, for comparison. The PRO version can run all the normal Windows desktop software out there today. The PRO version can also run Photoshop. There is also mention of USB 3.0 support, though they only mentioned USB 2.0 for the consumer version.

What that means for us gamers? At this point it will be unclear, but with Microsoft’s reveal of Smart Glass this last E3 this could mean a lot for future games. The addition of two screens to your game seems to be what the big 3 are going for. You have the WiiU and its new controller and then the PS3 with PS VITA. Now with the new Windows 8 Tablet “Surface” it will be interesting to see the upcoming years. How do you think this will affect the way we play games in the future? Let us know what you think of this big announcement from Microsoft.

Post by Christopher Robus

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